What's YOUR Short-term Rental Investing Style? 

What's Your Short-term Rental Investing Style?

What are the Short-term Rental Investor Personas? 

Given the diversity of reasons why individuals choose to pursue short-term rentals, the plethora of information out there may or may not relate to your specific goal.  Understanding your specific persona - and tieing that out to a specific roadmap that works just for your individual goal, helps to prioritize what is important to learn and what you need to learn to hit your goal.
Having coached hundreds of individuals in short-term rentals - getting started or growing, I realized that I could, in fact, identify specific persona's and their roadmaps based on just a few questions. This allowed our coaching journey - and their individual goal attainment, to be very efficient. These personas represent the spectrum of individuals, and as with any - you may change overtime or lean in a couple directions. 

The Chairman   is all about strategic investing.  With an eye for wealth accumulation and a diverse portfolio, The Chairman believes in informed decisions and efficient delegation.  They're about making investments work for them while pursuing a range of interests. 

The Industrialist is primed for cash flow; money makes the world go round and they are willing to roll up their sleeves and maximize short-term rental opportunities in creative ways. They love the cash-flow perks of being short-term rental business owners and appreciate the rewards of their work. 

The Entreprenuer balances the pursuit of profit with a good dose of enjoyment.  They appreciate the wealth-generating capabilities of short-term rentals and savor the perks hat come along the way. With an eye on the bottom line, they also value personal satisfaction in the investment journey while planning for retirement and financial independence. 

The Lifestylist dives into short-term rentals as a way of life.  Seeking both income and lifestyle, they are all about striking a balance.  Their goal is to build an STR business that compliments there lifestyle and personal interests. 

The Strategist has a specific lifestyle goal in mind - that perfect vacation home, and will leverage the opportunities that exist in short-term rentals to achieve it.  With laser focus and keen eye, they are making their dream lifestyle a reality.