STR Analysis, Consult + 6 Weeks of Support
I specialize in understanding success in short-term rentals; I am happy to take a look at your proform/spreadsheet and give feedback if you book a consult; I do get commissioned on occasion to do a full proforma and am happy to discuss (feel free to hop on my calendar at the link above to discuss). Proforma add considerable time and cost to the short-term analysis. My experience is that most people need the most help with the income analysis - its both critical and nuanced.
Data is only part of the story, and the data sources that exist give averages. Data clearinghouses can't get into the details that actually drive consumer choice. While I lean heavily on multiple data sources, thousands of hours of learning and training in short-term rentals, hospitality, consumer science, and analyzing potential vs actual is what you leverage by choosing to work with me. You'll get a far more accurate assessment - filled with insights and recommendations for hitting the full income potential for the property.
I do not source deals for others, although I do occasionally share deals I find with my coaching clients.